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Cookies policy

The website uses cookies (small files of information that the server sends to the computer of the one who accedes in the web) to carry out certain functions that are considered essential for the correct operation and visualization of the site.

The cookies used by the website are only associated with an anonymous user and his/her computer and do not themselves provide the user’s personal data.

By browsing this website the user is accepting that cookies may be installed on their terminal and that they allow us to know the following information:

Chosen display language. Expires 24 hours after connection.

Session navigation. Expires at the end of the session.

Type of cookies used.
This website uses temporary session cookies and permanent cookies. Session cookies store data only while the user is accessing the website and permanent cookies store data on the terminal to be accessed and used in more than one session.

Depending on the purpose for which the data obtained through the cookies are processed, the website may be used:

Technical Cookies
Technical cookies are those that allow the user to navigate through the website or application and use the different options or services that exist therein. For example, controlling the transit and communication of data, identifying the session, accessing the parts of the website with restricted access, applying for registration or participation in an event, using security elements during navigation and storing content for video or sound broadcasting.

Third-party Cookies
On some websites, third party cookies may be installed to manage and improve the services offered, such as Google Analytics statistical services.

The user has the possibility to configure his/her browser to be warned of the reception of cookies and to prevent their installation on his/her computer. Please refer to your browser’s instructions and manuals for more information.

Below are instructions for the most commonly used browsers.

To adjust permissions related to cookies in the Google Chrome browser:

  • Click on the menu located on the toolbar.
  • Select Configuration.
  • Click on Show Advanced Options.
  • In the Privacy section click on the Content Settings button.
  • In the Cookies section you can set the options.

To adjust permissions related to cookies in the Mozilla Firefox browser:

  • At the top of the Firefox window click on the Tools menu.
  • Select Options.
  • Select the Privacy panel.
  • Under the Firefox option you can choose to Use a custom history setting to configure the options.

To adjust permissions related to cookies in the Internet Explorer 9 browser:

  • Select the Security tab and use the Delete browsing history option to delete cookies. Select the cookies check box, and then click Delete.
  • Select the Security tab and access Settings. Move the control all the way up to block all cookies or all the way down to allow all cookies. Then click on Accept.

If you block the use of cookies in your browser, it is possible that some services or functionalities of the website will not be available.

In some browsers you can set specific rules to manage cookies per website, which gives you more precise control over privacy. This means you can disable cookies from all sites except those you trust.